Full-Color Friday!

Hola! Oldest son is home from school today and wants some Mom-and-me time. He really, really wants me to check out his newest land in Minecraft, which is his current preferred expression of creativity.Full Color Fridays: Creativity

1. Music therapist Rachelle Norman brings music therapy to elders, but her post on Elvis and creativity could apply to anyone wanting to grow creatively.

2. This father writes about the intrinsic value of play. “In play an adult can become like a child, fully absorbed in the here-and-now. Play, not work, brings us fully to life.” Play is a perfect example of being involved in the process, not the outcome.

3. Long article worth reading from the UK, but if you don’t want to read the whole thing because you’re a rebel, skip to the end where it outlines the importance of developing and nurturing creativity in schools.

4. My son will be thrilled about this: Video game playing tied to creativity.  He says that he likes Minecraft, which you’ve probably heard of if you have a kid between 8-18, because it lets him build and create things. I say, “Legos do that, too,” but apparently it’s not the same.

5. 3 simple, easy exercise to spark creativity The squiggle game was also described by famed child development expert D.W. Winnicott in the 1970’s. He’s probably not the first to think of it, either.


  1. JoAnn Jordan says:

    Creativity was a big push in my posts during January so I love seeing what you have highlighted. I’m so glad you included Rachelle Norman’s post. Her resources are helpful and easy to use.

  2. Rachelle Norman says:

    This is a lovely roundup of posts, Colleen. I’m going to try the squiggle game and the circle game soon, I think! I don’t think of myself as being good with visual art, so my inner critic often shuts me down before even trying. This will be a creative stretch for me.

    Thank you for sharing my Elvis post, too!

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